AWT IMR26650 3800mAh (Yellow)
Official specifications:
- Rated Capacity: 3800mAh (0.5CA Discharge)
- Rated Voltage: 3.7V
- Internal Resistance: <100mOhm (with PTC)
- Cut-off Discharge Voltage: 2.75V
- Charge Upper Limit Voltage: 4.20±0.05V
- Charging Time(Std): 4.0hours
- Standard Charging Circuit: 0.2C A
- Charging Circuit: 0.5C A
- Standard Discharging Circuit: 0.2C A
- Fast Discharging Current: 0.5C A
- Max Discharging Current: 2C A
- Weight: about 45.5g
- Height: 65mm
- Operational Temperature: charge (0 ~ 45°C), discharge (-20 ~ 60°C)
- Storage Temperature: within 1 month (-20~ 50°C), within 3 months (-20~ 40°C), within 3 months (-20~ 20°C)
A 26650, i.e. considerable fatter than 18650, but the same length. Capacity is higher than 18650, but not as much as the battery volume increase. Depending on where I check the specifications the maximum discharge current varies.
The battery works well up to 7A, higher current do look strange and 30A do not work (I redid the curves at 10A and above, they looked different, but did not improve).
The battery works fine at "lower" currents, but it cannot deliver the current that is printed on it or anything near that. When using 7A or lower the battery looks good, but capacity is a bit low (but higher than rated).
Notes and links
The batteries was supplied by AWT for a review.
How is the test done and how to read the charts
How is a protected LiIon battery constructed
More about button top and flat top batteries
Compare to 18650 and other batteries